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A Krampus-Themed Haunted House Coming To Florida Will Be Your Nightmare Before Christmas

He sees you when you're sleeping...

It’s okay to feel torn over the holidays — sad that Halloween is over, but excited for Christmas. Or maybe you’ve already started your countdown to Halloween Horror Nights 2020. Whatever emotions you may be wrestling with this holiday season, it’s time to add another: absolute terror. Because not only is Santa Claus coming to town, so is Krampus. This Krampus-themed haunted house coming to Florida next month will be terrifyingly awesome!

As Santa’s wicked counterpart, Krampus has been taking the western world by storm as he sweeps across the country every December with ghoulish runs and adds an element of horror to the holiday cheer.

The layout of this haunted holiday house changes every year, so if you thought yourself familiar with this haunt, good luck! This year’s theme has changed slightly; along with the terrible Krampus, a horrible Jack Frost will be in on the terrorizing tricks.

A swarm of evil elves that run with Krampus will be lurking about the house too, don’t be fooled by their charm.

The house itself is set up to look like your sweetest childhood memories, while some wicked artists and designers work behind the scenes to bring your worst nightmares to life.

Besides the interactive haunted house, there will be plenty of other scares to enjoy — although, enjoy may not be the best word. There will be a haunted photo op, plenty of Christmas treats, mini escape rooms, and even axe-throwing.

You’ll have three days in December to get in on the holiday fear in Jacksonville, with tickets starting at $24.99 for general admission, with a fast pass option adding on an extra $10. Cheers to this whimsical holiday haunt!

There's some other awesome Krampus fun to be had in Florida, such as this free Krampus festival, or you can go hang out with the Grinch as he takes over at Seuss Landing in Universal.

Krampus Haunted Christmas

Price: $24.55

When: December 7th, 13th, 14th

Address: 13th Floor Jax — 9230 Arlington Expy, Jacksonville, FL

Why You Need To Go: Bring holiday fright into your seasonal traditions this year with the scariest haunted Christmas house ever!

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